In life we are given choices. Most of the time we aren’t able to recognize how many choices we actually have. We limit ourselves and build massive barriers that block us from seeing what we are legitimately capable of achieving. Drive comes into it as well. Beyond ability, there’s willingness. Willingness to go beyond and do more is just as crucial – that’s drive.

Limitations are driven by conditioning, whether it be gender, race, socioeconomic conditions, etc. Based on our conditions, we decide what we think success is and we have a difficult time seeing beyond that ceiling. I’m not denying limitations exist. Life gives limitations to everyone and we shouldn’t be putting MORE limitations on ourselves. I think generally most of us are okay with being ‘average’ or simply ‘good’. We don’t know how to go after newer and higher extremes. We don’t even see the opportunities to be great right in front of us. It’s not easy, but there is magic in being so present and aware of yourself in a situation that you are able to recognize your true potential.

We choose fear. We choose comfort. We choose to let lack of confidence hold us back from believing we can do more. Everything is cyclical. We trap ourselves in cycles and in patterns and blame our conditions when the results don’t change.

You have to be willing to believe, push, and fight like hell to create a new and better status quo for yourself.

Having said all that, I will use myself as an example. My mom is from Eastern Kentucky (tobacco land) and my dad was raised in home with a dirt floor shack in Missouri. It would have been easy for them to assume I would carry on as a farmer in Indiana, but they chose to see more. They imagined possibilities for me that generations before them would have never fathomed. I am the first person in my entire lineage to graduate from college. My achievement stems directly from their decisions. I’m fortunate.

There is a way to change your perception. You have to make a deliberate choice to gift yourself possibilities you never imagined. Look further. Want bigger. Think smarter.  There is a certain energy to people that take the limitations off of themselves. They have a drive. They just want it. You don’t have to change the situation. Change your mindset and change your perspective of the situationthen you can change the situation.


Keep Climbing!


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